Have you been struggling to lose weight? Listed below are 20 quick ways to weight loss. Applying these tips can get you to start losing weight or get you over your weight loss plateau.
- One Day at a Time
It is so important to look at taking little steps. Most people with any diet program don’t reach their weight loss goals as they overwhelm themselves and then quit. If you hate what you are doing you won’t continue long term. Find things you like to eat and like do in fitness. - Get a buddy
Someone to talk to is so important. Everyone always thinks they are the only one going through their issues. Find another person taking on losing weight. You can even talk to them through message boards. - Add weight lifting not just cardio
Lifting weights supports building lean muscle tissue that allows you to burn more calories 24 hours a day 7 days a week. - Don’t just cut carbs
Start eating 5 small meals and you will see your carb cravings go away. You need a small amount of carbs in each meal for energy and skipping carbs in meals is what causes the cravings where we then overeat carbohydrates all at once. (1) - Have a specific goal
It is really important to write down your goal and make it specific. Just lose weight is a recipe for disaster. Also, make sure it is realistic and healthy. - Quit drinking soda or specialty coffee
I know they taste good though they give you tons of empty calories you don’t need. Many coffees at Starbucks have over 400 calories which as many calories most people need in entire meal. - Cook by grilling and broiling
Grilling and broiling keeps the unhealthy fat and calories off your belly unlike frying your food. - Avoid junk food
Avoiding junk food becomes easier as you start to eat every 2-3 hours. Most just food cravings come from low blood sugar from gaps in your meals. - Start each day with breakfast
Have you noticed that when you eat breakfast you are hungry in 2-3 hour though if you skip breakfast you can not eat till lunch? When you eat breakfast your metabolism starts burning calories which is why you get hungry. When you skip breakfast your metabolism shuts down and when you get to diner your food gets stored into your love handles and more no matter what you eat. - Treat yourself
I know we all want to the big ending number though positive rewards are essential to mental health. - Use smaller dishes
Most people fill their plate so take a smaller plate to add less food. - Drink water
Switching to water gives the fluid you need with no calories. Add a lemon for more flavor. (2) - Don’t finish your plate
Always leave food on your plate. This mentally allows you to be better under control of you natural feeling of full. Most people blow by this feeling because they have been programmed to finish their plate. - Eat five meals a day
This is the key to train your body to burn fat as your main fuel source. - Have a fitness plan
A professional plan is essential to your results. Also, have one that progresses as the workout may be good for the first month and then you need a new one. - Don’t pick fad diets
You know it is a fad diet because it promises instant weight loss. It takes your body 90 days to make physiological changes to your metabolism. So give yourself time. - Burn extra calories
Do exercises while you watch tv, park in the back of parking lots, or take the stairs and those calories add up fast when you do something every day. - Look at labels
Look at how many calories are in the food you eat, you may be surprised. Understanding allows you to make better decisions on what you eat or don’t eat. - Eat raw vegetables
Keeping raw vegetables like baby calories allow you to have healthy food available with little calories if you have to eat something. - It is all in the habits
Each thing you do is to build better habits. Good habits is the only way to keep the weight off.

Health Weight Loss Advice
To achieve successful weight loss starts from the beginning. Most people start their plan already behind the gun which causes them stress, lack of motivation, and not seeing target goals. The reason for this is a lack of understanding on the basic principles of weight loss. Healthy weight loss advice and healthy weight loss plans will get you on the road to losing weight and keeping it off. Don’t forget the need for a personal trainer to support and lead you to your goals.
The first piece of advice is understanding what you are losing. When you only look at the scale you could lose anything to achieve the goal for the scale. The goal of weight loss is fat loss which isn’t always the same thing. Have you ever seen a person who has lost weight only still to have a gut or skin hangs over their elbow? They may say that their fat stretched their skin though the real answer is that muscle is what holds are skin tight. Most people are losing muscle and water with their weight loss which is why their skin starts to sag.
So if we are not going to use the scale how are we going to measure? There a few better ways depending on what you have available. The best way is to get your body fat measured. Calipers are easy to use and you can buy them on Live Lean Today. By using body fat measurements you can see that you are losing fat. Tape measures or dress sizes still make better measurements than the scale. Typically weight loss goals are to become smaller especially around the waist to measure where you want to lose. If you went from a size 16 to a size 4 would it matter what you weight. A woman I trained lost 4 dress sizes and only 6 pounds. That is how your body works. (3)
The piece of advice is your weight loss fitness plan. Most plans just say do hours and hours of cardio so you burn tons of calories and you will lose tons of weight. That works right? How is skinnier on average runners or walkers? Most people would answer runners and what do you see more people do at the gym walking. People are burning tons of calories from walking and not achieving their weight loss goals so there has to be more to it. The reason why runners are skinnier is the rate at which you burn calories creates a faster metabolism not the total amount of calories. A faster metabolism burns more fat the entire day which is when you fat loss occurs. Live Lean Today’s online fitness plans create customized cardio plans with personalized zones to optimize your ability to raise your metabolism.
The third piece of weight loss advice is your weight loss diet plan. Most American’s always go to cutting things like carbs, fat, or calories all together. If that worked, our population won’t be 60% overweight or obese. The key is 5 small meals that train your body to burn fat as your main fuel source. Through Live Lean Today’s online meal plans learn how to eat the right portion sizes for you to achieve your weight loss goals.
The last piece of advice is proper supplementation. This doesn’t mean you have to use diet pills. Supplementation is designed to optimize your diet and support things you might be lacking. Key supplements to take are meal replacements, multivitamins, and joint nutrition. Meal replacements are used to support the challenge of eating healthy snacks in your five small meals. Your body goes through tremendous stress when dieting and multivitamins and antioxidants deliver essential nutrients to restore your body and allow for better weight loss. Most activities that people use for weight loss take their toll on you joints. Most people take joint supplements once it is too late and there is a problem. Taking a join supplement now can be the best thing you can do to keep yourself pain free.
Importance of Body Composition
What you weigh is really irrelevant. Height and weight measurements are meaningless. The most important thing is your body composition. This is the measurement, a ratio of lean muscle tissue and body fat. It is a much more accurate measure of your physical self, and is the most important measurable when managing a fitness and diet plan.
Lean body mass consists of your muscle, bones, organs, connective tissue and fluids of the body. Weight can be deceiving, as the body can fluctuate up to 5lbs a day on water weight and for this reason alone, a scale can’t be considered an accurate assessment of progress. (4)
When you are engaged in a fitness and diet plan, you have to have measurable and body comp is the best way to assess your progress. Fad diets can cause rapid weight loss, and it can also cause muscle loss as well. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be. Muscle needs calories to maintain its structure, and more muscle means a need for more calories. On the flip side, losing muscle means a decrease need for calories and a slower metabolism, so for this reason it’s no wonder that athletes and fit people can eat more food without risking weight gain.
You can get your body fat measured with a skin fold caliper, an electricla impedance test or hydro test, which is most accurate. So what body fat range is healthy? A healthy percent range for men is about 15% or less, and for women, its 22% or less. This number changes with age as body fat tends to naturally increase with age.
Why is all this important? Well you can’t be too concerned with an immediate loss or gain of weight. It could be water. Changing body composition is a gradual process and takes time. So remember this the next time you step on a scale. Gradual change is good, gaining muscle weight is good and you can put on healthy muscle, raise your metabolism and improve your overall health too. Most important, a gradual change in body composition with more muscle and less fat will help keep fat weight off long term. Consult with an online personal trainer about a fitness plan and how to measure and manage body composition.