Ephedrine is a powerful medicine for the relief of asthma, bronchitis, allergies and cold and flu symptoms. It is available in either hydrochloride or sulfate form. In scientific terms, a hydrochloride is a salt that is formed with hydrochloric acid while a sulfate is a salt made from sulfuric acid. This simple difference in the chemical structure means that ephedrine sulfate and ephedrine hydrochloride produce different results. We will compare the effects and side effects of Ephedrine Sulfate vs. Ephedrine HCL, and look at which brands contain which type. (1)
Ephedrine is a chemical alkaloid that comes from the Ma Huang or Ephedra Sinica Plant in the Ephedraceae genus. It is a sympathomimetic drug because it can imitate the effect that adrenalin and norepinephrine have on the body. Ephedrine is a vasodilator, it increases the circulation and improves the ability of blood andoxygen to get into the muscle tissues. This makes the use of ephedrine an effective treatment of low blood pressure as it stimulates the central nervous system. Bill Phillips was one of the first to report in the 80’s that ephedrine, helps improve physical strength and athletic performance by boosting the cardiovascular system. An increase of 15 – 25% in strength could be felt almost immediately after taking ephedrine. This one reason why it is banned in most sporting organizations. Ephedrine is an effective appetite suppressant as well. This means that individuals on ephedrine are more likely to be able to stick to a restricted calorie diet, thus creating a calorie deficiency for weight loss.
Ephedrine Safety
Because many sporting commissions have banned, because big pharmaceutical companies can’t mark it up 1000% and force you to get a prescription to buy it, and because backyard drug manufacturers used it to make meth the product was forced off the dieting market supplements and out of the drugstores, not because it posed any health risks. This is from the FDA website, “Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are used in some over-the-counter and prescription drugs, where they have been demonstrated to be safe and effective for the labeled use”.
In addition to this, it boosts the metabolism allowing the body to burn more calories and fat through the day through what is known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Most dieters will take this drug in the morning or early afternoon to get the best possible metabolic boost effect throughout the day. Athletes may also use the drug as it increases energy levels and improves the ability to exercise for longer durations in your target heart rate zone. The supplement is also known to help you lose weight without causing any loss in muscle mass by targeting fat and breaking it down and burning it as energy. (2)
That said, The Combat Methamphetamine Act of 2005, put a stop to all products containing ephedrine marketing themselves as a weight loss products or anything other than relief for breathing related issues. I do not know of one product in the US or world wide even that specifically uses Ephedrine HCL or Ephedrine Sulfate in a diet product. However there are companies such as Foundation Nutriceuticals that uses high grade Ephedra in diet pills and this is legal to do so. So if you are thinking of buying a large amount of Ephedrine online to get lean, I would think again. This law limits your purchase online to 3.6 grams for one order and a total of 7.5 grams per month. Don’t think of trying to buy at multiple websites because all sales are tracked and reported to the DEA. It is not worth getting in trouble to drop a bunch of pounds. We suggest buying the legal amount allowed and using it as directed on the package, if it happens to help you lose weight that is not your fault. (3)
Many people looking for a accessible ephedrine will purchase a nasal decongestant or bronchodilator such as Bronkaid to get their dosage of the drug. This drug contains ephedrine sulfate and is available without a prescription in the United States. However, it is illegal to market Ephedrine as a weight-loss product in most countries around the world so it must be packaged and sold as a asthma, hay fever, or sinus treatment. When looking at the effectiveness of a particular ephedrine product, it is important to consider foremost the amount of ephedrine alkaloid present in the product. This is the active ingredient that causes the body’s nasal passage to constrict and the metabolism to increase. According to recent scientific analyses, Ephedrine sulfate contains approximately 77% pure ephedrine alkaloid by weight. Therefore, a 25 mg dose of ephedrine sulfate would equal 19.25 mg of active ephedrine.
Ephedrine is much more widely available in synthesized hydrochloride format as Ephedrine HCL. Brands such as Ephed Ephedrine Plus, Vasopro Ephedrine, and Mini Thin Ephedrine are some of the most popular forms of Ephedrine HCL. Like Ephedrine Sulfate, it is available to order online in the United States, though the sale is regulated by certain restrictions in different states. EphedrineHCL also must be marketed as a bronchodilator or asthma treatment in order to be sold legally.
Like Ephedrine Sulfate, we will look at the quantity of active ephedrine in Ephedrine HCL to determine how effective this drug is. Ephedrine HCL is approximately 82% ephedrine by weight. That means that 25 mg ephedrine hydrochloride equals 21 mg ephedrine alkaloid. This is .75 mg more Ephedrine than what is provided with Ephedrine Sulfate. So we can conclude that Ephedrine Plus HCL is a more powerful product than Ephedrine Sulfate but the differences are not that great.
Ephedra or Ephedrine
Two of the most popular supplement ingredients are ephedra and ephedrine. Though each is very similar they are marketed for different reasons. You have to make the decision of ephedra or ephedrine as it relates to the main ingredient in your next supplement.
Ephedra is easily the most used supplement ingredient for weight loss. You find ephedra in all of the top diet pills on the market today. Ephedra works as a stimulant that can have an effect of increasing your metabolic rate. A key aspect of ephedra is its ability to work with other ingredients which is why you often see ephedra blended with other weight loss ingredients including green tea extract, caffeine, yohimbe, Phenylethylamine HCL, and more. (4)
It is important to look at the different weight loss ingredient blends that make up each ephedra diet pill. You will find a wide range in different mg dosages plus unique combinations of different added ingredients. The strongest ephedra diet pill Live Lean Today carries is High Octane 100 which has 100mg of ephedra extract per serving.
Ephedra extract is the term used for the legal version of ephedra that is sold today in current diet pills. The ban on ephedra relates to the process of extracting out the ephedra alkaloid out of the plant which labeled those types of products as a pharmaceutical drug. Today’s ephedra diet pills consist of the natural form of ephedra to be used in weight loss supplements.
Ephedrine is marketed to support those with asthma. Ephedrine has been used for centuries as a temporary relief of asthma symptoms like shortness of breath. Without getting into any long explanation of the chemical differences of ephedra and ephedrine, the main difference is the addition of Guaifenesin in ephedrine products. Guaifenesin is used to help break up mucus in a person’s airways which supports asthma like symptoms. (5)
Ephedrine is now sold in the form of ephedrine hcl. Live Lean Today is one of the only certified retailers of ephedrine online. You can purchase 6 25mg of ephedrine boxes per order or 12 12.5mg of ephedrine per order. Also, before your first order can ship there is a mandatory form that must be filled out by law which Live Lean Today has made easy with an online form. You only have to fill out the form once so once Live Lean Today has it on file your orders can ship right away.
As it relates to ephedra or ephedrine the choice comes done to what are your goals. Though both have stimulant properties ephedra is marketed for weight loss while ephedrine is marketed for asthma relief.
Buy Ephedrine Decongestant to Tackle Breathe Related Ailments
Ephedrine in its natural form is also known as ma huang and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicines as a stimulant and decongestant to possibly support symptoms such as cold and flu, asthma, and other breathe related ailments.
Though ephedrine has been popular carrying its effective results, certain people still have certain doubts such as what ephedrine actually its and what are its uses, side effects, and more. Here are certain possible transparent answers to such doubts:
What is Ephedrine?
Ephedrine one of the four core substances found in herb Ephedra. Ephedrine produces results similar to adrenaline and thus acts as a stimulant in its natural for. It has been used by people of Tan dynasty as a decongestant to possibly treat ailments such as shortness of breathe, cold, sinus infection, and more.
Ephedrine is an active ingredient in ephedra and resembles to a class of ingredients called sympathomimetics. It functions like a naturally occurring substance called adrenaline that our body produces when it thinks of being in danger or trouble. It is a central nervous system stimulant and possibly stimulates our heart rate/blood pressure, narrows the blood vessels, and opens up the lungs. This process is what makes ephedrine a bronchodilator. (6)
• Supports better breathing
• Wheezing
• Tightened Chest
• Loosens Mucus
• Relief from mild asthma and breathe related problems
• Reduce Nasal Congestion
• Tackle Allergies
• Relief from Sinus Pressure
• Pulminary Edima and more
Possible Side Effects:
• Dizziness
• Sleeplessness
• Loss of Appetite
• Mild Headache
• Tremor and related symptoms
Not to Use Ephedrine If:
• Allergic to this substance or any other supplement or ingredient
• Pregnant or during nursing periods
• Suffering from any sort of heart related disease
• Ever been hospitalized due to asthma or any related ailment
• Suffering from ailments such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or any related symptom
It is wise to consult a physician before consuming any supplement. Supplements are beneficial in their own ways and are trusted by many all over the world. Thus it is better to go through the reviews of supplement you wish to take.
Where to buy ephedrine?
Live Lean Today an online supplement selling store provides best supplements in regulated amount as per DEA rules and regulations. Thus, find a store such as liveleantoday.com to get unaltered supplements in limited amount as fixed by DEA to help people avoid any side effect.
Buy ephedrine like supplements such as Ephedrine HCL and Ephedrine Sulfate here at live lean today to possibly tackle ailments such as heavy mucus, shortness of breathe and more. To know more about supplement facts and regulated dosage amount and more.