The history of Primatene Tablets helping suffers of cold symptoms and to get relief from Asthma symptoms is long. The first Primatene Tablets were sold in 1954. The Primatene brand has built a long-time heritage for over-the-counter (OTC), relief of bronchial asthma. Primatene Tablet products are available in a 60ct package and it contains two active ingredients.
Both bronchodilator which is ephedrine HCL, and an expectorant, guaifenesin. Bronchodilators are a group of drugs that help widen the airways in the lungs for the treatment of asthma and other conditions which constrict airflow in the lungs. Bronchodilators widen the bronchioles, to increase the flow of air and improve breathing. Expectorants such as guaifenesin are drugs that loosen mucus or phlegm in the lungs. Expectorants stimulate increased release of respiratory secretions. The increased release of secretions lowers the viscosity (thickness) of the bronchial secretions and permits easier removal from the respiratory tract.
An expectorant may be used with productive and non-productive coughs, to increase the amount of sputum expectorated.
Buying Primatene is a easy as a few clicks of a mouse. Only DEA certified retailers can sell ephedrine supplements, and there are only a few in the world that are certified. However they provide as easy and efficient way to purchase Primatene online on the web. Primatene Tablets used to be available in most major food, and drug stores. However since the passing of the Combat Methamphetamine Act of 2005, which requires record keeping, training, certification, special rules on the storage of Primatene and it has to be locked up, most merchants no long carry the products because of this burden. (1)
In the past Primatene was marketed as Dual Action, but a Food & Drug Administration ruling in July 1995 required manufacturers to discontinue marketing any (OTC) product containing Theophylline. This was an active ingredient in Primatene Dual Action Tablets at the time. Theophylline was reclassified as a prescription. Pfizer Consumer Healthcare stopped making Dual Action Tablets in January 1996 and formulated the product using ephedrine and guaifenesin.

Primatene Tablets are gluten-free. They obtain certification from all their suppliers for all raw materials that go into their products that any raw material was not made from wheat, rye, oats, triticale or barley and does not contain any ingredients that were derived from those grains. This is a big step in preventing additional allergies from kicking when while using it. On top of being Gluten free, Primatene is also free of Alcohol, Calcium, Calories, Phenylalanine, Potassium, Sodium, Sugar/sucrose, Corn/corn derivatives, Yeast, Gelatin, Gluten, Lactose, Salicylates, and Steroids.
Can You Still Buy Ephedrine
To start with it is still LEGAL to buy ephedrine online but you must follow DEA regulations to do so and the retailer must be DEA certified which is very difficult to do. They must under go regulat DEA inspections, and report to the DEA monthly. Ephedrine can still be used for weight loss but it can not legally be marketed for weight loss. This is like Avon’s Skin So Soft being used as a bug repellant. Even though it is not marketed as that it is used for that purpose. I’m certain you have seen packages that will have a statement like, “It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.” I have never seem this statement on any of the Ephedrine packages. Of course it is illegal to make illegal drugs with ephedrine, but using it for weight loss is not illegal.
As retailer and manufacturers, neither can say buy this product and lose weight. They were able to do this, and did it for years. Ephedrine weight loss pills were getting the country thinner. Selling millions of bottles and most likely saving lives and people lost weight. Hover the meth epidemic chnaged all that. The Combat Methamphetamine Act of 2005, stated that you could no longer sell ephedrine as a diet aid.
Now to buy it you must show ID and fill out a form and you can only buy about 9 grams per month. This is enough for weight control or asthma, or colds. I started using ephedrine, Dymethadrine 25 to be exact, for fat burning in 1983 and used it almost daily, probably 50-100 mg per day for 15 years. They only reason I stopped was that it became very difficult to buy or find. I have never had 1 side effect for the use other than being able to breath well and stay lean. I’m back using Ephed again as I have seemed to developed allergies, which ephedrine works great for. I used it all winter long, not even thinking about using it for weight loss. I went from 210 – 185 in 4 months. Like I said I was not even thinking about the weight loss aspects of ephedrine, only the clearing of nasal passages to help me breathe. At first when I kept losing wieght I was concerned that I was actually sick with something worse. Why was my weight dropping so fast, even though I was eating a lot. Then it dawned on me, I had not used ephedrine in 20 years and had forgotten how strong it was at shredding fat.
So I decided to stop taking to see if it was the reason for wieght loss. After 2 months my wieght stabblized around 184. So I was happy that I was no longer losing weight. I went to the Dr. and he commented that I had lost nearly 20 pounds since my last visit. I explained the allegies and that I was taking allergie medicine with ephedrine it in, and we both agreed that it was most likely the cause.
You see ephedrine is not only a stimulant but a appetitie suppressant. So I was not eating as much, and buring fat at the same time to I was getting the double benfits from ephedrine, and that is not to mention it was helping me cope with my alllergy symptoms. Well 6 months later my wiegh is around 190 and I have not used any ephedrine, which is just amazing to me.
Overweight is a dilemma that affects the world. In the US it is a more significant issue than in others. Nevertheless, it can affect every aspect of our lives, driving many even to suicide. Few, if any, are naturally invincible to its hidden wrath. This invisible, yet potent dilemma is obesity, or simply weight control.
In the United States, weight control is a common, where thin is in, but for many, so are fatty foods and infrequent exercise, there is a huge and growing demand for quick, easy schemes to lose weight. However, the true importance of being overweight, is often misconstrued. For the majority, being overweight is frightening because of it’s social ramifications, while the many important health risks are often overlooked. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer. Thus, the weight loss business has skyrocketed over the past decade, becoming a multi-billion dollar industry. Despite the seemingly countless ‘magical’ diet schemes available to the public, a product and/or method has yet to emerge which allows for quick, easy and physically safe weight-loss. One chemical in particular, however, has showed increasingly promising signs regarding this issue. The chemical is ephedrine.
Ephedrine and It’s Uses
Derived from the plant ma huang, ephedra or better known as ephedrine, is found both naturally and synthetically in various dietary supplements such as Vasopro, over the counter products like Primatene or Bronkaid, prescription cold and flu remedies, asthmatic aid products, as well as illegal drugs. Ephedra has been used for over two thousand years to treat bronchial asthma cold and flu, chills, lack of perspiration, headache, nasal congestion, aching joints and bones, cough and wheezing and edema. In Western terms, ma-huang is considered to have diaphoretic, diuretic, central nervous system stimulating and antiasthmatic activity. The stem (herb) of ephedra contains a number of active compounds, including small amounts of an essential oil, and most important, one or two percent alkaloids composed mainly of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, with ephedrine ranging from thirty to ninety percent depending on the source. (2)
Alone, ephedrine is a very powerful amphetamine-like compound. However, the stems and twigs of the Chinese herb ma-huang as a cold remedy for years. He pointed out that the effects of ephedrine, a stimulant alkaloid in ma-huang should not be confused with the whole herb itself. This is a good example of how the effects of a whole herb and its isolated constituents must be considered separately. One should not confuse ephedrine and pseudoephedrine with ephedra, just like one shouldn’t confuse pure caffeine with coffee. The effects of ephedra are generally attributed to the alkaloid ephedrine which. Heart rate and blood pressure can be increased causing dehydration and decreased circulation.
Despite potential side effects, ephedrine is for the most part, dangerous only if abused. Nevertheless, it offers a variety of positive qualities in terms of its beneficial effects on particular aspects of the mind and body. One of its more significant qualities is its potential effect on weight loss. Ephedrine has the unique ability to stimulate thermogenesis in the human body. It works by, essentially, speeding up the heart rate, thus inducing a faster metabolism. To lose body fat, you must burn more energy than you eat so that your body has to draw upon the fuel stored in fat cells. The only way to lose weight is to increase the amount of fuel you burn, decrease the amount you consume, or do both at the same time. The rate at which you can lose weight is limited by how fast the body burns energy.
Over the past three or four years there has been a flurry of studies regarding ephedrine and its current and potential effects on weight loss. For the most part, these particular studies are conducted on laboratory rats under strictly supervised conditions.
Ephedra is sometimes combined with other stimulants like caffeine or ginseng. These ingredients are effective aids in inducing small to moderate weight losses. Animal studies suggest that they work by both reducing appetite and by stimulating fat metabolism. When taken at the recommended dosages, they rarely have any adverse symptoms or side effects.”
According to a similar study in the November 1992 ephedrine combinations have been shown to enhance weight loss in diet-restricted patients. The interaction between ephedrine and caffeine on whole-body thermogenesis has now been confirmed in man, and combinations of these drugs have been shown to be safe and more effective than either ephedrine or caffeine alone in facilitating weight loss.” (3)
Ephedrine has shown positive effects on the human body, especially on the reduction of fat and body weight. Studies have shown that ephedrine is most effective as a weight loss stimulant when used in conjunction with other drugs, such as caffeine. Therefore, it seems that the optimal solution to lose weight must involve the proper combination of diet, exercise, and drug interaction. Ephedrine may hold the key to fill in for the drug portion of the equation, but as with practically all drugs, there are risks involved. Ephedrine does have great potential, yet is it worth the risks?
So even though ephedrine is a sae effective wieght loss product it is not sold as a weight loss supplement. Certainly you can purchase ephedrine for colds, allergies, asthma and enjoy the benfits of losing weight while you breathe easier.
This is just my opinion and should considered medical advice. Consult a Dr before you use any type of medicine or drug. Talk to him before starting a diet or exercise program. No statements or claims on this page are inteneded to cure any disease.