The common use of Ephedrine is for relief from bronchial asthma who are struggling with shortness of breath or tight feelings in the chest. There may be other common uses that you can discuss with your doctor about how best to use ephedrine for you. (1)
Ephedrine is also found in ephedra as one of the active molecules. Ephedra supplement is also used for weight loss and is believed to support the use of fat for energy and increasing the metabolic rate or ability to burn calories.
An advantage of ephedra in weight loss is that in some cases it can help keep muscle tissue during weight loss.
Ephedrine has synergistic properties with caffeine which combined tend to increase the effects.
The common side effects with ephedrine are increases in blood pressure that tend to be relieved once the ingredients have worked their way through the physiological system.
As a weight loss aid it is recommended for max benefits to include a healthy diet and workout plan.
Ephedrine works by lowering the swelling in blood vessels which opens airways in the lungs helping people breathe better which is why some use it as a bronchial dilator. (4)
It is not recommended to take ephedrine for the side effects with the following conditions.
Allergic to ephedrine
No diagnosis for asthma
Using prescription asthma medications
After being hospitalized for asthma
You are already taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor
You already have high blood pressure or high risk of heart disease
It is advised to contact your doctor about any possible issues with using ephedrine.
Ephedrine Benefits
One of the #1 questions we get asked is what are the results for ephedrine for weight loss? Due to the DEA regulation of ephedrine we are not able to make any claims on the weight loss benefits of ephedrine. What we have listed below is the public knowledge on ephedrine and its benefits.
Ephedrine comes from the ephedra plant in its natural form is referred to as Ma Haung. Ma Haung has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine mostly as a bronchial dilator.
Live Lean Today offers ephedrine in two forms 12.5mg ephedrine hcl and 25mg ephedrine hcl.
Studies on mice not humans showed that there was an increase in thermogensis for brown adipose tissue with the use of ephdra. One issue with the study to correlate it to human weight loss is that humans don’t have high amounts of brown adipose tissue and most of our thermogenic reactions occur in skeletal muscle tissue. (3)
Aspirin and caffeine have been shown to have a synergistic effect on ephedrine which led years ago to what were called ECA Stacks (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin). ECA Stacks were popular with bodybuilders and fitness models for support their results. Today ECA Stacks are made with ephedra extract or ephedra leaves which you can find in ECA Xtreme by Hi Tech. Live Lean Today carries other ECA Stacks with ephedra extract which you can find at our ephedra products page.
The use of ephedrine can have adverse side effects when in combination of other drugs. It is recommended to consult your physician before using an products that have ephedrine in them.
Ephedrine can be detected in urine. This is important as some athletes that take drug tests ephedrine may be a banned substance for their sport. You will have to read your own guidelines for your sport on whether or not ephedrine is allowed.
The sale of ephedrine is legal though regulated to the amounts a person can buy per order and per 30 days. Also the ability to sell ephedrine varies state by state. Live Lean Today offers a map to show if ephedrine sales are available in your state.
Where to Get Ephedrine
Ephedrine is one of the most used dietary products on the market. Today many people wonder where to get ephedrine. Live Lean Today is one of the only places online that you can get legal ephedrine.
Ephedrine comes in two different dosages which are Ephedrine 12.5mg and Ephedrine 25mg. Ephedrine now comes in the form of ephedrine hydrochloride (HCL).
Ephedrine is designed for the temporary relief of asthma including breaking up of mucus as a bronchial dilator.
There are restrictions for the shipment of ephedrine to different states. You will want to check the map show on each ephedrine product to see if it is legal to ship ephedrine to your state. The states are color coordinated which blue states have no restrictions and orange states can only have the 12.5mg ephedrine shipped to them.
There are also monthly restrictions. You can order 6 25mg ephedrine per order and a max of 12 per 30 days. The restrictions on the 12.5mg ephedrine are 12 boxes per order and 24 total boxes per 30 days.
Ephedrine for Asthma Relief
Can you take over the counter medications or supplements for relief from asthma? Some may not know that ephedrine has been used for years as a temporary relief for asthma like symptoms. Asthma is a temporary restriction of a person’s airways that is often called bronchospasm. As these issues cause many problems for people including making it hard to breathe people are looking for OTC relief. (2)
It is always important to consult your physician before taking any medication or supplement as it relates to the disease of asthma. There are many different medications that a doctor might prescribe to fight the effects of asthma though ephedrine is one of the only options without a prescription.
It is important to understand and if need be discuss with your health care provider any of the following items when deciding to use ephedrine for temporary relief for asthma which include any not normal conditions that you might have, any side effects that taking ephedrine might have, and what specific factors that you hope ephedrine can support you with.
Many people do choose ephedrine hcl for asthma relief for two factors which are cost and availability. OTC supplements are often less costly than prescription drugs. Also, using ephedrine doesn’t need a prescription allowing for greater availability for people to use.
In the past ephedrine as one of the only ingredients used to fight the effects of asthma. Today there are a variety of different medications like albuterol and metaproterenol. There are many more medications that have specific roles targeting abnormal conditions. All of these you will need a prescription for. Ephedrine still stands as one of the only nonprescription options for those that want temporary relief from asthma.