Many people are still looking for the original Xenadrine ephedrine and Xenadrine RF1 with ephedra. Both of these products are no longer made. You can still get the same high quality energy. Live Lean Today offers similar products.
Original Xenadrine Ephedrine
What made Xenadrine ephedrine popular was the combination of ephedrine and caffeine. Production of ephedrine became more regulated. Therefore manufacturers stopped making it. Live Lean Today is one of the only certified ephedrine retailers.
Live Lean Today offers legal ephedrine. Further more created an ECA stack similar to Xendarine ephedrine. The stack includes ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. Aspirin in the herbal version white willow bark.
Xenadrine RF1 with ephedra was a similar product. Key difference is ephedra. Research has shown a synergistic increase in effect from the combination of ephedra, caffeine, and aspirin. (3)
Xenadrine RFA-1 with Ephedra
Megadrine Rf-1 is a suitable replacement to Xenadrine RF1. The ECA stack includes ephedra. Other key ingredients are green tea extract and yohimbe. One other key ingredient is l-carnitine. The amino acid supports your body to release fat. Therefore metabolism burns fat and energy. (1)
Superdrine is another ephedra diet pill that compares to the original Xenadrine RF-1. Supplement contains the legal ephedra extract. Ephedra extract is the legal form of ephedra. Therefore utilizes the entire ephedra plant. Making it an unadulterated weight loss supplement.
Xenadrine ephedrine and Xendadrine RF1 are gone. However that doesn’t mean you still can’t get the same great benefits.
Easy way to Weight loss – Ephedra
Since obesity is prevalent, everyone keeps searching for a perfect way leading to weight loss. Some find their solution in gyms & exercise while other opt for dietary supplements. The complex process regarding the search for a right option to choose for weight loss starts now. From a bulk of dietary supplements available in the market, we need a supplement that really works!
Arrived in trends as a result of its potential and outcome it provides in the field of Weight loss, Ephedra has been accepted widely as a possible support for weight loss and to curb obesity.
Generally, Ephedra is a shrub, a plant, found mostly in desert region, carrying a number of species found all over the world. The most famous specie is known as Ephedra Sinica and is assumed to be originated from China about 5000 years ago. (2)
Advantages and Effects:
Traditionally ephedra is expected to be consumed during symptoms of bronchial asthma, influenza, common cold, low blood pressure hay fever and related diseases. Modern time consumption of Ephedra is mainly based on the belief that it helps burn body fats, regain metabolism, indirectly resulting in weight loss up to possible extent and hence ephedra has been accepted widely as a dietary supplement suppressing appetite.
Can you buy Ephedra Diet pills?
And the straight forward answer to this query is Yes! You can buy Ephedra diet pills, may be not over the counter, but through Live Lean Today. Some species or variety of Ephedra pills and related products easily available, from trust registered online supplement stores at
Best Ephedra Products
Live Lean Today is the biggest online ephedra store. Find the best products offered at insane low prices. Top selling ephedra diet pills ship same day.