Suffering from Cold & Mucus? Cold and Mucus have wrapped the whole country into its arms. Bronkaid offers ephedrine for heavy mucus. But before jumping onto a sure shot treatment without consulting an expert or physician, we would like you to hold on and scroll down to know about what mucus actually is and what should you do to get rid of from heavy mucus, running nose(from clear fluid to thick mucus), and related symptoms.
We said heavy mucus, not just mucus. So what mucus actually is?
Mucus actually filters the air we breathe. Oxygen flows into our bloodstream via the lungs. The air we breathe passes firstly through the large and medium sized pipes known as the bronchi and bronchioles. These pipes are coated by mucous membranes.
This mucus membrane has a purpose; it entraps and blocks unwanted particles such as bacteria, dust and germs flowing into the respiratory system thus protecting the body. It’s actually the heavy mucus that we need to get rid of from.

- Causes of Chesty Cough (Heavy Mucus Unproductive Cough)
- Smoking
- Lungs Infection Such as Pneumonia and Tuberculosis
- Cold and Flu Viruses
- Other Ailments Such as Chronic Bronchitis and Related Symptoms
- Effects of Chesty Cough
- Blocked Nose (Congestion)
- Runny Nose
- Sneezing and Itching
- Fever
- Mild Cold and Flu
- Headache
- Fatigue and Related Ailments
How to Treat Heavy Unproductive Mucus?
Ephedrine for Heavy Mucus
Before leaping and landing on the decision of opting any supplement or medicine, it is better to consult an expert or physician first about the problems you are facing due to heavy mucus. If necessary, physician may prescribe required suitable ephedrine possibly. Always find trusted brands and FDA approved supplements and supplement store whether online or the other way around.
There are certain natural ways to treat mucus such as steam, lemon juice, drinking more water, chicken soup, ginger, etc.; however if those are not enough to tackle heavy mucus at times, you can opt for expectorants and bronchodilator after consulting the physician.
Expectorants are known to work in a way by possibly thinning the mucus and making it easier for the body to throw it out when coughing.
Bronkaid 25mg 60ct Ephedrine. Real Bronkaid dual action helps ease symptoms of asthma, flu, colds allergies, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, and sinus issues. Bronkaid’s dual action works as a bronchial-dilator and expectorant.
Nonprescription Bronchodilator Use in Asthma
Many asthma patients turn to over-the-counter (OTC) medications for relief, often unaware of the potential risks involved. A recent study shed light on this practice, revealing important insights into the use of nonprescription bronchodilators. The research, which compared OTC and prescription medication users, uncovered several key findings that asthma patients should be aware of.
Notably, male gender emerged as a strong predictor of both exclusive OTC use and combined OTC-prescription medication use. This suggests that men with asthma may be more likely to self-medicate, potentially putting themselves at risk. The study also found that factors such as income, access to care, and self-assessed disease severity played significant roles in determining who was more likely to rely on OTC medications.
Interestingly, while lung function was similar between OTC and prescription medication users, there were discrepancies in how patients assessed their own condition. Prescription medication users who considered their asthma mild showed greater improvement in lung function after using bronchodilators compared to those who thought their condition was more severe. Conversely, exclusive OTC users displayed an opposite pattern, highlighting a potential disconnect between perceived and actual asthma severity among those who self-medicate.
These findings underscore the importance of proper asthma education and management. Asthma patients should be aware that relying solely on OTC medications may lead to inadequate treatment and potentially dangerous situations. It’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals to ensure appropriate asthma management and to understand the risks associated with unregulated bronchodilator use.
By recognizing the profile of asthma patients at risk for OTC misuse, healthcare providers and education programs can better target their efforts to improve asthma care and reduce potential complications. If you’re an asthma patient currently using OTC medications, consider discussing your treatment plan with a healthcare professional to ensure you’re receiving the most effective and safe care for your condition.
Complete Information On Bronkaid Tablets and Ephedrine
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine are a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant, concentration aid, decongestant, asthma drug, traditional chinese medicine herb, and to treat hypotension associated with anesthesia. I know I used to use Dymethadrine 25 for exams and it worked great for my cognitive skills. I could remember things for tests that I did not study. This was 25 mg of ephedrine same as available in Bronkaid.
Ephedrine is similar in molecular structure to the well known drugs phenylpropanolamine and methamphetamine, as well as to the important neurotransmitter epinephrine or adrenalin. Chemically it is an alkaloid with a phenethylamine skeleton found in various plants in the genus Ephedra of the family Ephedraceae. It works mainly by increasing the activity of norepinephrine (noradrenalin) on adrenergic receptors. Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine are marketed as the sulfate salt.
The herb ma huang (Ephedra sinica), used in traditional Chinese medicine, contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine as its principal active constituents. The same may be true of other herbal products containing extracts from other Ephedra species.
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine History
Ephedrine in its natural form, known as má huáng in traditional Chinese medicine, has been documented in China since the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) as an antiasthmatic and stimulant. The chemical synthesis of ephedrine was first accomplished by Japanese organic chemist Nagai Nagayoshi in 1885. The industrial manufacture of ephedrine in China began in the 1920s, when Merck began marketing and selling the drug as ephetonin. Ephedrine exports between China and the West grew from 4 tonnes to 216 tonnes between 1926 and 1928 thats a lot of stimulation.
Ephedrine Agricultural sources
Ephedrine is obtained from the plant Ephedra sinica and other members of the Ephedra genus. Raw materials for the manufacture of ephedrine and traditional Chinese medicines are produced in China on a large scale. As of 2007, companies produced for export US$13 million worth of ephedrine from 30,000 tons of ephedra annually, 10 times the amount that is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Much of this is used in ephedra diet pills such High Octane Ephedra made by Foundation Nutriceuticals.
Ephedrine Synthetic sources
Most of the L-ephedrine produced today for official medical use is made synthetically as the extraction and isolation process from Herba Ephedra is tedious and no longer cost effective.
Ephedrine’s mechanism of action
Ephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine. The principal mechanism of its action relies on its indirect stimulation of the adrenergic receptor system, which is part of the sympathetic nervous system, by increasing the activity of noradrenaline at the post-synaptic α- and β-receptors. The presence of direct interactions with α-receptors is unlikely, but still controversial. L-Ephedrine, and particularly its stereoisomer norpseudoephedrine (which is also present in Catha edulis) has indirect sympathomimetic effects and due to its ability to cross the blood brain barrier, it is a CNS stimulant similar to amphetamines but less pronounced, as it releases noradrenaline and dopamine in the substantia nigra.
The presence of an N-methyl group decreases binding affinities at α-receptors, compared with norephedrine. On the other hand ephedrine binds better than N-methylephedrine, which has an additional methyl group at the N-atom. Also the steric orientation of the hydroxyl group is important for receptor binding and functional activity.
Compounds with decreasing α-receptor affinity are Norephedrine, Ephedrine, N-Methylephedrine
Bronk-Aid Tablets Ephedrine Indications
In traditional Chinese medicine, má huáng is used in the treatment of asthma, allergies, shortness of breath, and bronchitis for centuries. Both ephedrine and pseudoephedrine increase blood pressure and act as bronchodilators, with pseudoephedrine having considerably less effect. Which makes ephedrine a better choice.
Ephedrine promotes weight loss, specifically fat loss in humans and mice. In mice it is known to stimulate thermogenesis in the brown adipose tissue, however because adult humans have only small amounts of brown fat it is assumed that thermogenesis takes place mostly in the skeletal muscle. Ephedrine also decreases gastric emptying. Methylxanthines like caffeine and theophylline have a synergistic effect with ephedrine with respect to weight loss, and so does aspirin.[citation needed] This led to creation and marketing of compound products. One of them is known as the ECA stack, containing caffeine and aspirin besides ephedrine and is a popular supplement taken by body builders to cut down body fat before a competition.
For many years, the US Coast Guard recommended ephedrine together with an equal 25mg dose of promethazine to its sailors to combat seasickness. Promethazine manages nausea and ephedrine fights the ensuing drowsiness. Commonly referred to as the Coast Guard cocktail, ephedrine may still be available for prescription for this purpose.
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine Adverse effects
Adverse drug reactions . ADRs associated with ephedrine therapy include:
- Cardiovascular: tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, vasoconstriction with hypertension
- Dermatological: flushing, sweating, acne vulgaris
- Gastrointestinal: nausea
- Genitourinary: decreased urination due to vasoconstriction of renal arteries. Also, difficulty urinating is not uncommon, as alpha-agonists such as ephedrine constrict the internal urethral sphincter, mimicking the effects of sympathetic nervous system stimulation.
- Nervous system: restlessness, confusion, insomnia, mild euphoria, mania/hallucinations (rare except in previously existing psychiatric conditions), delusions, formication (may be possible, but lacks documented evidence) paranoia, hostility, panic, agitation
- Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema
- Miscellaneous: dizziness, headache, tremor, hyperglycemic reactions, dry mouth
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine Contradications
Ephedrine should not be used in conjunction with certain antidepressants, namely SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors), as this increases the risk of the above symptoms due to excessive serum levels of norepinephrine.
Bupropion is an example of an antidepressant with an amphetamine-like structure similar to ephedrine, and it is known as an NDRI (norepinephrine-dopamine re-uptake inhibitor). It has an action which bears more resemblance to amphetamine than to fluoxetine in that its primary mode of therapeutic action involves norepinephrine and to a lesser degree dopamine, but it also releases some serotonin from presynaptic clefts. It should not be used with ephedrine as it may increase the likelihood of the above side effects.
Ephedrine should be used with caution in patients with inadequate fluid replacement, impaired adrenal function, hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidosis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, prostatic hypertrophy, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, during delivery if maternal BP > 130/80 mmHg, and lactation.
Contraindications for the use of ephedrine include: closed angle glaucoma, phaeochromocytoma, asymmetric septal hypertrophy (idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis), concomitant or recent (previous 14 days) monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) therapy, general anaesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons (particularly halothane), tachyarrhythmias or ventricular fibrillation, hypersensitivity to ephedrine or other stimulants.
Ephedrine should not be used at any time during pregnancy unless specifically indicated by a qualified physician and only when other options are unavailable.
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine Tablets
Anecdotal reports have suggested that ephedrine helps studying, thinking, or concentrating to a greater extent than caffeine. Some students and some white-collar workers have used ephedrine (or Ephedra-containing herbal supplements) for this purpose, as well as some professional athletes and weightlifters. It is common for many athletes to use stimulants while exercising. Such use of ephedrine has been associated with stimulant dependence, as well as deaths from heatstroke in athletes and circulatory problems such as aortic aneurysm in weightlifters, though these side effects are rare.
As a phenylethylamine, ephedrine has a similar chemical structure to amphetamines and is a methamphetamine analogue having the methamphetamine structure with a hydroxyl group at the β position. Because of ephedrine’s structural similarity to methamphetamine it can be used to create methamphetamine using chemical reduction in which ephedrine’s hydroxyl group is removed; this has made ephedrine a highly sought-after chemical precursor in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine. The most popular method for reducing ephedrine to methamphetamine is similar to the Birch reduction, in that it uses anhydrous ammonia and lithium metal in the reaction. The second most popular method uses red phosphorus, iodine, and ephedrine in the reaction.
In E for Ecstasy (a book examining the uses of the drug MDMA in the UK) the writer, activist and Ecstasy advocate Nicholas Saunders highlighted test results showing that certain consignments of the drug also contained ephedrine. Consignments of Ecstasy known as “Strawberry” contained what Saunders described as a “potentially dangerous combination of ketamine, ephedrine and selegiline,” as did a consignment of “Sitting Duck” Ecstasy tablets.
Through oxidation, ephedrine can be easily synthesized into methcathinone. Ephedrine is listed as a Table I precursor under the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine Detection of use
Ephedrine may be quantitated in blood, plasma or urine to monitor possible abuse by athletes, confirm a diagnosis of poisoning or assist in a medicolegal death investigation. Many commercial immunoassay screening tests directed at the amphetamines cross-react appreciably with ephedrine, but chromatographic techniques can easily distinguish ephedrine from other phenethylamine derivatives. Blood or plasma ephedrine concentrations are typically in the 20-200µg/L range in persons taking the drug therapeutically, 300-3000µg/L in abusers or poisoned patients and 3–20mg/L in cases of acute fatal overdosage. The current WADA limit for ephedrine in an athlete’s urine is 10µg/L.
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine Legality In Canada
In January 2002, Health Canada issued a voluntary recall of all ephedrine products containing more than 8mg per dose, all combinations of ephedrine with other stimulants such as caffeine, and all ephedrine products marketed for weight-loss or bodybuilding indications, citing a serious risk to health. Ephedrine is still sold as an oral nasal decongestant in 12.5mg and 25mg at
Bronkaid Tablets Ephedrine Legality In USA
In 1997, the FDA proposed a regulation on ephedra (the herb from which ephedrine is obtained), which limited an ephedra dose to 10mg (of active ephedrine) with no more than 24mg per day. This proposed rule was withdrawn in part in 2000 because of concerns regarding the agency’s basis for proposing a certain dietary ingredient level and a duration of use limit for these products. In 2004, the FDA created a ban on ephedrine alkaloids that are marketed for reasons other than asthma, colds, allergies, other disease, or traditional Asian medicinal use. On April 14, 2005, the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah ruled that the FDA did not have proper evidence that low dosages of ephedrine alkaloids are actually unsafe, which they are not, but on August 17, 2006, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Denver upheld the FDA’s final rule declaring all dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids adulterated, and therefore illegal for marketing in the United States.
As soon as that was announced a major drug company launched (The First FDA Approved Diet Pill), sound fishy to you? Furthermore, ephedrine is banned by NCAA, MLB, NFL, and PGA TOUR. Ephedrine is, however, still legal in many applications outside of dietary supplements. However, purchasing is currently limited and monitored, with specifics varying from state to state which Live Lean Today abides by strictly.
The House passed the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 as an amendment to the renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. Signed into law by president George W. Bush on March 6, 2006, the act amended the US Code (21 USC 830) concerning the sale of ephedrine-containing products. The federal statute included the following requirements for Live Lean to sell Bronkaid Ephedrine Tablets.
- A retrievable record of all purchases identifying the name and address of each party to be kept for two years
- Required verification of proof of identity of all purchasers
- Required protection and disclosure methods in the collection of personal information
- Reports to the Attorney General of any suspicious payments or disappearances of the regulated products
- Non-liquid dose form of regulated product may only be sold in unit dose blister packs
- Regulated products are to be sold behind the counter or in a locked cabinet in such a way as to restrict access
- Daily sales of regulated products not to exceed 3.6grams without regard to the number of transactions
- Monthly sales not to exceed 7.5 grams of pseudoephedrine base in regulated products
As a pure herb or tea, má huáng, containing ephedrine, is still sold legally in the USA. The law restricts/prohibits its being sold as a dietary supplement pill or as an ingredient/additive to other products, like diet pills.
Ephedrine Synthesis
Ephedrine can be synthesized from benzaldehyde in a few different ways. According to the first, benzaldehyde is condensed with nitroethane, giving 2-methyl-2-nitro-1-phenylethanol, which is reduced to 2-methyl-2-amino-1-phenylethanol. The necessary L-isomer is isolated from the mixture of isomers by crystallization. Methylation of this gives ephedrine.
I’m sure this was more information than anyone needs for Bronkaid Ephedrine Tablets but if you wanted to know the full details now you do.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing new exercises. We recommend you educate yourselves on the scientific / nutritional facts.
Ware G. Kuschner, Todd C. Hankinson, Hofer H. Wong, Paul D. Blanc, Nonprescription Bronchodilator Medication Use in Asthma, Chest, Volume 112, Issue 4, 1997, Pages 987-993, ISSN 0012-3692,
DEA Ephedrine Diversion
Hamelberg W, Bosomworth PP. Evaluation of Ephedrine Test. JAMA. 1963;183(9):782–783. doi:10.1001/jama.1963.63700090028016