If you are a user of dietary supplements like Ephedra or the OTC Asthma medicine. Ephedra ephedrine hard to find and buy. Since 2004 it has been hard to buy ephedra diet pills. In addition the big pharmaceutical companies wanted the OTC diet pill business. At that time the most effective product either by OTC or prescription was ephedra. They could not cut in to the established ephedra diet pill industry. Therefore they fund a few congressmen and get a bill passed banning ephedra.
Now despite being used for 5000 years safely, despite having a low adverse effect percentage than even Vitamin C,(That’s right Vitamin C had more complaints that ephedra), despite being used as a diet pill by billions they were able to get it labeled unsafe.
Ephedra Ephedrine Hard to Fine
Crazy how our system works. Then in 2005 The combat methamphetamine act, basically banned pseudoephedrine. Therefore made it almost impossible for people suffering from asthma to get the medication. Asthma medicine needed on a daily basis.
Many states have restricted the sale. Others have lowered the amount. Therefore buying lower levels needed to treat symptoms of Asthma or allergies. Wow that is great punish the billions of law a bidding citizens for what a few drug dealers and drug users do. STOP PUNISHING GOOD PEOPLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF BAD PEOPLE. (1)
I can kill with a skillet, so should we stop eating or cooking, no of course not. There is no real alternative to effectiveness of ephedrine. Fortunately there is a small window of opportunity to buy ephedrine and ephedra. If a company is willing to fill out DEA forms, train employees, submit a painstaking amount of data about purchases, sales, inventory, go through inspections, pay for licenses, fight with the banks to show that they can legally sell ephedrine and ephedra, they can sell it in some states. Around 39 of them to be exact.
Ephedrine OTC
Because of all the effort, time. costs, man power, wasted money very few businesses will sell ephedrine, it is just too difficult. Even though it is legal to sell both, the problems are just not worth it. Now on the customer side it is not much easier.
If you could find a store that sells real ephedrine hcl, you have to show ID, each time you buy, you can only buy one small box each trip to the store, the store limits are typically lower than the DEA limits on the amount you can buy in 30 days and if you are trying to buy an amount over the limit you get reported to the DEA. I do not know about you but I can not track how many grams of ephedrine I buy or use for my allergies or colds.
Back the problems the retailers are now having. To stop any crime on the internet the Govt. has passed a bill called Choke Point, which basically says that if someone accepts credit cards to conduct anything illegal that the banks can be held liable for that. So banks responded just by canceling any merchant account that could be a issue. This includes, gun shops, ammo sales, OTC medicine, supplements, cigarettes, homeopathic products, alcohol, fireworks….. I know it sounds crazy but it is true.
As I mentioned early there are still a few online stores that go the extra mile to serve it\’s customers and if you are having a hard time getting your medicine click on this link and it will take you to a site that for the moment you can still buy otc medicine and remedies.
Buy Ephedrine Decongestant
Ephedrine in its natural form is also known as ma huang and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicines as a stimulant and decongestant to possibly support symptoms such as cold and flu, asthma, and other breathe related ailments. Though ephedrine has been popular carrying its effective results, certain people still have certain doubts such as what ephedrine actually its and what are its uses, side effects, and more. Here are certain possible transparent answers to such doubts. (2)
What is Ephedra
Ephedrine one of the four core substances found in herb Ephedra. Ephedrine produces results similar to adrenaline and thus acts as a stimulant in its natural for. It has been used by people of Tan dynasty as a decongestant to possibly treat ailments such as shortness of breathe, cold, sinus infection, and more.
Ephedrine is an active ingredient in ephedra and resembles to a class of ingredients called sympathomimetics. It functions like a naturally occurring substance called adrenaline that our body produces when it thinks of being in danger or trouble. It is a central nervous system stimulant and possibly stimulates our heart rate/blood pressure, narrows the blood vessels, and opens up the lungs. This process is what makes ephedrine a bronchodilator. (3)
- Supports better breathing
- Wheezing
- Tightened Chest
- Loosens Mucus
- Relief from mild asthma and breathe related problems
- Reduce Nasal Congestion
- Tackle Allergies
- Relief from Sinus Pressure
- Pulminary Edima and more
Possible Side Effects:
- Dizziness
- Sleeplessness
- Loss of Appetite
- Mild Headache
- Tremor and related symptoms
Not to Use Ephedrine If:
- Allergic to this substance or any other supplement or ingredient
- Pregnant or during nursing periods
- Suffering from any sort of heart related disease
- Ever been hospitalized due to asthma or any related ailment
- Suffering from ailments such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or any related symptom
It is wise to consult a physician before consuming any supplement. Supplements are beneficial in their own ways and are trusted by many all over the world. Thus it is better to go through the reviews of supplement you wish to take.
Where to buy ephedrine?
Live Lean Today an online supplement selling store provides best supplements in regulated amount as per DEA rules and regulations. Thus, find a store such as liveleantoday.com to get unaltered supplements in limited amount as fixed by DEA to help people avoid any side effect.
Buy ephedrine like supplements such as Ephed Ephedrine and Ephedrine Sulfate here at live lean today to possibly tackle ailments such as heavy mucus, shortness of breathe and more. To know more about supplement facts and regulated dosage amount and more.